Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Stereotypes Y'all

Its a double edged sword. Stereotyping is a tool that must be used precisely if at all. The way I see it, implementing stereotypes can be used many different ways to man different affects. It can be used as a story device, it can be used as a story crutch, it can be used joke, it can be used as satire, it can be used as an insult, it can even function as a compliment.

For the most part, I see a lot of stereotypes in the media used in a very lazy way. Introducing a character that just functions as a stereotype and a means to an end. One I see the most of is the angry black captain. At this point it's almost evolved past a basic beat cop story idea to an inside joke of a trope. Its a bit more tame of an example, but it shows the evolution there. Something starts as quirky but insulting characterization and evolves into something self aware and at times insulting but most always lazy.

Is it necessary? Stereotyping may be helpful in some aspects of story telling when it comes to secondary and tertiary characters, but it shouldn't. As stated earlier, its a crutch. Past the face value of insulting summation of an idea, its just lazy to me.

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